Course Overview

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OCD and ERP Masterclass

Become an OCD specialist in 12 weeks

Week by Week Breakdown

Week 1: Overview of OCD and ERP
Covers the fundamentals of OCD and ERP.

Week 2: OCD Subtypes & Assessment
Covers how different subtypes in OCD present, how to assess for OCD, and has roleplay demonstrations of assessing for OCD. There are case vignettes to practice with to enhance your learning.

Week 3: In-Depth Review of Psychoeducation
Covers how to give psychoeducation and has handouts to use with clients. There are roleplay videos demonstrating how to give effective psychoeducation, as well as tips and tricks for tailoring psychoeducation to fit the needs of your clients.

Week 4: Case Conceptualization
Covers case conceptualization fundamentals like identifying obsessions, triggers, and compulsions. Functional assessment is covered in-depth and there are roleplay demonstrations of functional assessment and how to start building a hierarchy. There are case vignettes to practice with to enhance your learning.

Week 5: Generating ERPs
Covers the ins and outs of hierarchy building, including how to generate ERP ideas that are collaborative, values-based and incorporate the core fear. There are roleplay demonstrations as well as case vignettes to practice with.

Week 6: ERP Practice
Covers the therapist’s role before, during and after an ERP and how to handle compulsions that may come up during an ERP exercise. There are roleplay demonstrations as well as case vignettes to practice with.

Week 7: Mental Compulsions
Covers common mental compulsions, how they may present in treatment, and how to coach your client through response prevention with mental compulsions. There is a case vignette for hands-on practice to enhance learning.

Week 8: Family Accommodations
Covers how loved ones and family members accommodate OCD and how to build and accommodation reduction plan. There is a roleplay demonstration of an accommodation reduction plan and case vignettes to practice with.

Week 9: Common Missteps in ERP
Covers troubleshooting common missteps that can come up while learning and implementing ERP. There is a roleplay demonstration of what not to do in ERP.

Week 10: Incorporating ACT and other Third-Wave Strategies into ERP
Covers how to include interventions from ACT, DBT and CBT into ERP work. There are roleplay demonstrations and case vignettes to practice with.

Week 11: Maintenance and Relapse Prevention
Covers OCD recovery, what treatment looks like at the maintenance/recovery stage and how to work with clients on relapse prevention strategies.

Week 12: Putting it All Together
A Module where we put it all together and do a recap on the big takeaways.


This training is for mental health clinicians and researchers.

These slides/videos/training are the intellectual and artistic property of THRIVE. Training hub for anxiety & OCD intervention and education, LLC. They are not to be replicated or distributed by any other individual or entity. This training and the material contained within are proprietary to THRIVE. and may not be reproduced for any purposes without express written permission from THRIVE.