Category: Blog

  •  Superstitions and OCD: How Magical Thinking Fuels OCD

     Superstitions and OCD: How Magical Thinking Fuels OCD

    We all know someone who refuses to walk under ladders, avoids the number 13, knocks on wood or insists on wearing their lucky socks (or other garment) before the big game. Superstitions and jinxy beliefs can be common and often harmless quirks. But for individuals with OCD, these beliefs can take a much darker, more… Read more

  • An Overview of Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP)

    An Overview of Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP)

    What is ERP? ERP stands for exposure and response prevention and it is an evidence-based treatment approach for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Evidence-based means that this approach has the support of research studies to back its claim of being an effective treatment intervention. ERP is broken down into two parts; exposure and response prevention. The exposure… Read more

  • What Actually is Response Prevention

    What Actually is Response Prevention

    Response Prevention (RP) is arguably the most important part of Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP). RP is defined as a commitment to resisting compulsions in the face of being triggered. Compulsions are defined as any physical or mental act a person does to get rid of their anxiety, avoid something out of fear, or prevent… Read more